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Malfoozat Hakimul-Ummah Hazrat Thanvi

Malfoozat Hakim-ul-Ummat Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi

Focus on Yourself

Someone presented an issue and mentioned that a certain person had inquired about it. In response, according to their state, he advised:

One should focus on what is necessary for oneself and not get involved in others' matters. The most important thing is that every person should focus on his own concerns and work on improving his own deeds. Nowadays, it has become a widespread problem among both the general public and the elite that they are more concerned with correcting others than themselves. My uncle used to say, "Son, while protecting others' shoes, make sure you don't lose your own bundle." Truly, he gave very wise advice.

Malfoozat Hakim-ul-Ummat: Volume 1, Page 26

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