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Malfoozat Hakimul-Ummah Hazrat Thanvi

The meaning of "Better than a hundred years of unpretentious devotion.

A scholar asked, "Hazrat, please explain the meaning of this phrase:

"The companionship of the righteous, even for a moment,  
Is better than a hundred years of asceticism and devotion."

(If one is blessed with the companionship of the righteous, even for a moment, it is better than a hundred years of asceticism and devotion (that is performed without a complete guide).

He (Hakim-ul-Ummah) replied, "You are more knowledgeable than I am, but my understanding is that sometimes, in the company of a perfect mentor, a secret is revealed, or a state arises in the heart that becomes the key to happiness for a lifetime. This is not a general rule but an exceptional case. It is not meant to imply that every moment is beneficial, but only that specific moment when such a state occurs."

The scholar asked, "Does this mean that not every companionship would be beneficial?"  
He replied, "It is true, but who knows which moment it will be when such a state will be attained. There is always a possibility of this happening in every companionship, so one should be diligent in seeking companionship. This indicates that every companionship has the potential to be beneficial and useful. To understand how this state can be equivalent to a hundred years of devotion, consider this example: If someone possesses a hundred coins, outwardly, he may not have any valuable items, but if we think deeply, he actually has access to everything. Similarly, if this quality arises within a person, he may not seem to possess specific acts of worship, but in reality, he holds the essence of everything."

"So, the main point is that it is the ability to act upon deeds that matters. With that ability, everything will fall into place, and the essential part is those deeds for which this key has been attained through companionship. If those deeds are not performed, then the key alone is of no use."

"That's why I say that without actions, neither words, states, nor conditions have any significance. One should not become too attached to these things. If there is anything worth considering, it is actions, and actions are difficult without the grace of Allah. This grace, generally, depends on the companionship of a perfect mentor."

Malfoozat Hakim-ul-Ummah (RA), Volume 1, Page 49

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