The foundation of a religion lies on the assumption of a supreme entity that created the human beings and the whole universe. It is He who controls and runs the whole world with his power and commands. The entire construction of the religion will demolish the moment a man rejects the foundation of the religion; the existence of any supreme Lord and declares himself an atheist. All faiths and beliefs to him will remain as superstitions, and will regard others living in fool’s paradise.
But as we observe the universe, the creations, the human being itself, we are forced to believe in an existence that created it all and control it. The whole universe is the clear sign of God (Allah). And one who has little intelligence needs no evidence to prove it further. Today we may find many people not believing in God and refusing His entire entity but the majority of people still believe in God in today’s materialistic world. The concept of God is the key point of a religion.
Islam has always been a major religion of the world. It vigorously asserts to believe in Allah alone, the Supreme Being, the creator and the sustainer of the whole universe. The Glorious Quraan, the sacred scripture of Islam, at numerous places talks about Allah. It argues for the existence of the Supreme Lord. A man with little intelligence will surely repose his faith in Him after he studies the arguments of the Quraan. It invites all to ponder over the creation of the whole universe and its mechanism wherein you too are the part of it. Your study and research in depth will lead you to the reality. The glorious Quraan says: “Lo! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of night and day, and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men, and the water which Allah sent down from the sky, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing all kinds of beasts therein, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds obedient between heaven and earth: are signs (of Allah’s sovereignty) for people who have sense.” (Surah Baqrah)
The holy Quraan further says: “Lo! Allah (it is) who splits the grain of corn and date-stone (for sprouting). He brings forth the living from the dead, and is the bringer-forth of the dead from the living. Such is Allah. How then ye are perverted?” (Surah Anaam verse 96)
In the above verse the Quraan gave the example of seed, buried deep in the ground, comes out of the ground and sprouts and spreads it delicate buds and branches. Who split the dead seed and brought forth cracking the ground! Did all this happen of its own? Never. It is Allah who creates and puts life into dead. All these are observed in our day to day life.
In another verse of the Quraan the sign of Allah is described beautifully. The quraan says: “Let man consider his food. How we pour water in showers. Then split the earth in cleft. And cause the grain to grow therein. And grapes and green fodder. And olive trees and palm trees. And garden-closes of thick foliage. And fruits and grasses. (Surah Abas Verse 24 to 31)
If a sensible person ponders upon the verse talking about the food of man, will easily able to find out the truth and will believe in Allah, the Supreme Being.
The Quraan again questions concerning the doubt of the existence of Allah and says: “Can there be doubt concerning Allah, the creator of the heavens and the earth?” (Surah Ibrahim Verse 10)
In the form of question the Quraan invites all mankind to think into the universe. Eminent scientists and scholars are always busy in exploring the universe but at last they accept their ignorance and inability and prove the existence of a powerful being that is called Allah (swt).
Similarly a man should contemplate over his own organs of the body, the faculties, and the system of life. He should also think about his beginning and the days in the womb of his mother. Who beautifully moulded him, and who put life and spirit? How light came in his eyes. Who enabled his ears to hear and nose to smell? Who put sense in the tongue to taste and feel the flavour? How he became able to speak and who gave him the power of speech. Here, he should surrender himself before the Lord and chant the glory of one who is one and absolute, one who begets not nor was begotten and who has no likeness of him.
May Allah, the all powerful, enable us to understand and recognize him! (Ameen)
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